Monday, December 12, 2011

~December 11, 2011~

Hello Everyone!!

Well Christmas is in full swing here on Temple Square! There is not a minute to be wasted! We are constantly busy and constantly talking to someone and finding new people to call and share the gospel with.

The miracle I want to share this week is about two men. One named Terry and the other is a man from India and I cannot pronounce his name let alone spell it. They came to Temple Square because they had a business trip here and thought it would be fun to see before they left. Well, my companion and I walked past them and they asked if we were guides and I told him, no we are missionaries.

From that moment on they wanted to know all about the LDS faith. We took them to the Christus and then to the Old Testament paintings. We talked about the Book of Mormon and Prophets. They were both very taken back when we told them that there is a living Prophet today. Then we took them through a presentation called God's plan (which is our favorite) and was perfect for Terry because his mother just died a few months ago.

When we finished the presentation, they were both in tears and Terry said that he wants to learn more and the Indian man wanted a Book of Mormon. It was a very spiritual experience and they were both so prepared. They were so grateful for us but I feel as if we did nothing. All we did was share with them the things we know. We have an appt. with Terry on Wednesday.

I believe that it will be a really good one. Also, we have been really struggling with finding people to teach and just yesterday we found three new investigators. All in one day. And after weeks of committing people to go to church and them not going, two finally went.

I never thought I could be so happy because someone went to church but I have never felt happier. My companion and I were screaming for joy. It feels so good to wake up everyday knowing that I get to focus the whole day on teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone I meet. I can really say that this is the Lord's church and this is His work.

I love Temple Square and all of the sisters that I serve with. I hope you are all doing well and can't wait to hear from you. Have a good week and know that the Lord is always listening.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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