Monday, December 19, 2011

~December 19, 2011~

Hello Everyone!!! Well, today was my first transfer conference and it was so fun!!! I will be with my trainer for another transfer (as will all the other sisters that came with me). We will be in the same zone but with a different District Leader and different Zone Leader. Also our new assignment is Temple Group. Which means that when people come and want a tour of the Temple we take them and if family comes for a wedding and some are not members or can't go in we are there to explain what will happen and make them feel comfortable. How fun is that?! Anyway, we are also getting new sisters this week and I am so excited! I love serving here with so many wonderful sisters. This week has been very busy.

The closer it gets to Christmas the more people that come in the evening. It is really crazy the amount of people but so fun to meet so many wonderful people. The miracle I want to share this week is from someone that I have never met but that I had the opportunity to call. So about a month ago we had a RM sister come to the square and we challenged her to go through her planners and see if there are any lost or dropped investigators that we could call and give a second chance. So, she did and she gave me 18 names!!! That was a lot to me. Anyway I called a lady named Bonny this week. She is a 60 year old woman who lives by herself.

So, when I called and mentioned this sisters name she told me that she thinks of her everyday and has never forgotten the things that she was taught. Mind you it has been a year since Bonny has seen this sister. She was so thrilled that she was thought of that she agreed to meet with missionaries again and so they are coming over tonight! Also Bonny lives in Canada and I only sent the referral three days ago. So, for the missionaries to get it in two days, outside of the country is a miracle itself!!! I love this work and feel so blessed to be here serving the Lord. Please don't forget those who need you especially this season. I love you all and can't wait to hear from you!

Sister Armstrong

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