Monday, December 26, 2011

~December 26, 2011~

Hello Everyone!!!!!!

Feliz Navidad!!!!!! (I am learning Spanish from my companion). I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and peace. I feel so grateful to have this time to reflect on the Savior's birth and how each and every year since that day it continues to be the greatest gift we were ever given. There have been so many amazing miracles this week. So many wonderful people have been coming to Temple Square full of the spirit of giving.

Yesterday we met this wonderful Spanish family from El Salvador, now living in LA. They came and are not members of the Church but the Lord had truly prepared them. They came to the Christus with us and then we took them through our family presentation ( which is our favorite) and they just loved it. They felt the love of their Savior and wanted to feel that always. They want to meet with missionaries and have us call and teach them. I didn't think anything like this would happen on Christmas but I was definitely humbled.

What better day to find someone ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ then on Christmas day. We also had the privilege to go caroling around Salt Lake last night. I can't think of anything better then serving the Lord and His children on Christmas day. We met some wonderful people. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that we will all continue to remember the birth, life, death, and Resurrection of our Savior throughout the rest of the year. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.

Sister Armstrong

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