Monday, December 5, 2011

~December 5, 2011~

Hello Everyone!!!

This has of course been another amazing week. The Christmas Season is in full swing here on the square. We are working 12-13 hour days because of the amount of people that are here. Thank goodness I worked for Disney so I can handle this.

We have met so many wonderful people this week. I think the one that really sticks out is Brother Arnold. He has been a member of the Church for eight years and he was here at Temple Square with his young men group. We were talking with him and found out that he grew up in UT with his family who was Greek Orthodox. So think my Big Fat Greek Wedding.

He, of course, married a Mormon and it wasn't until he realized that his children were growing spiritually more then he was that he decided to investigate the church. The missionaries taught him for 6 weeks and he was ready to be baptized but he wanted to wait until his son was 16 so his son could baptize him. so, the missionaries visited him three times a week for a year, until the day that his son received the proper priesthood authority and baptized his dad. That son is now on a mission.

But, Brother Arnold's family is still very Greek. By the end of the conversation, my companion and I had shared similar stories with him that had also happened to him with his family and him joining the church. When he realized that he wasn't alone he wanted to share his siblings with us. So, we will be calling is brother and sisters soon to share the gospel with them. It is so amazing to know that the things we go through are really to help others.

I know that this gospel is true. I know that Jesus Christ lives and that He will one day come to the earth again. I know that Heavenly Father lives and that He loves us all so much that He sent His son to atone for our sins so that we have the opportunity to live with them again.

During the month on December will you all read about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and then share it with someone who needs to know about or remember their Savior? Because I know that as you do your testimonies of the Savior will grow and you will be apart of the growth of someone else's testimony.

I promise you that as you share this gospel you will feel happier then you have ever felt because you are sharing the greatest gift in the world; and what a better time then now?! Well, I love you all and will write again next week. Thank you all for the examples you are. The Lord knows you and the efforts you make. Have a great week and if you have time please read Matthew 10 (especially verse 8). Hope to hear from all of you soon.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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