Monday, May 28, 2012

~May 28, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? Well, this has been another great week here at Temple Square! So, on Saturday it was pouring down rain and yet there were tons of people here! So, by 1 pm we had taken 4 tours and had a scheduled tour later that night! That is craziness! So, in the first four hours of the day we had taught 8 people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Unfortunately none of them agreed to learn more... yet.

Well, on Sunday my companion and I were exhausted! But, again there were lots of people here and we had another group that wanted to be taken around. Two were members and two were not. By the end of the "walking lesson" one of them had referred to meet with missionaries! And then we went back to the teaching center and found another new investigator who had been interested in the church for a long time! He lives in Florida and is going to college. He already committed to going to church and asked us about institute and about opportunities for service projects! This guy is so great! So, I just loved seeing how the Lord blessed us for all our hard work the day before!

I know that this church is truly Christ's church restored again on the earth and that it can bring so much happiness to our lives! This is where we can find true happiness! Well, I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong
Sister Armstrong also emailed us this, "Oh and dad had asked me about the hospitality tours that I have been assigned this transfer and we finally got to take one, because all the ones that we were assigned to had been cancelled because there weren't enough people. Well, anyone it was Saturday night and we took them on a Garden tour and the lady who gives that tour did not show up for the first 10 min so we had to start the tour. Do we know anything about flowers? NO! So we just started making stuff up and they were all dying laughing!

When we had run out of things to tell them the Garden tour lady arrived and finished the tour. Then we took them to dinner and gave them a free CD of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir- which they all loved. Then we took them on a tour of the Beehive house (Brigham Young's house). Have we ever been assigned there? No! Have we ever given a tour there? No!

So, we had been studying a little and whatever we couldn't remember we just filled in with jokes and stories of the pioneers and they loved it! All in all we did a pretty good job because they all left happy! We of course could not teach them anything about the gospel but it turned out that they asked questions anyway. We can't wait for our next one!"

Sister Armstrong's Wall of Pictures on Mission

Monday, May 21, 2012

~May 21, 2012~

Hello Everyone,

How are you all doing this week? I hope that you have had a great week! Well, I want to share a miracle or two with you. Sister Brickley and I feel so blessed to have had so many miracles this week so I don't even know which one to share. We had at least one everyday!

Well, something great that happened was that our investigator Marcie and her daughter Echo were baptized and confirmed!!! They are amazing and are so happy to be members of the true church of Christ. She even sent us a picture and she is so beautiful! She is so happy to have found the gospel.

Also, yesterday morning we were going to take one person who only spoke English out of huge group that spoke Mandarin and we actually ended up with 20 English speakers! Well, so we just went with it and took them around for about 35 min. In the end we showed them a Mormon message video (what matters most) and then we invited them to learn more and half of them said YES!!! Holy miracle! We could not believe it!

We had to adjust and go with what we were not expecting and the Lord blessed us with a miracle. I love this work and have never been happier. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and privilege to teach about the Savior each and everyday! Well, have a great week and keep smiling because the Lord loves you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Announcing on Mother's Day

Sister Armstrong and Companion at Red Robin (for birthday root beer shake)

Monday, May 14, 2012

~May 14, 2012~


How are you all doing this week? I don't have much time at all but I wanted to share with you a little miracle that happened to me this week. Well, of course you all know that it was Mother's Day this week. Well, in our mission we get to call home for about 5 min before Mother's Day to set up an appt.

Well I just felt like I should call on Tuesday at around 4 pm my time. Well, turns out that it was only a ten minutes after my little brother was born!!! I was so excited to be a part of that day! I know that Heavenly Father is real and so is the Spirit. He know that I wanted to be apart of that day even though I was going to be here and so I received the prompting to call at exactly the right time!

This is just one miracle that I witnessed this week but I will have to tell you later because we have to leave soon. I love you all and hope you know that God loves you and is watching out for you! Oh and we just got a picture in the mail today of our investigator Taylor who got baptized last week! So awesome! Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, May 7, 2012

~May 7, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope that this week is going well for you! Well, the miracle that I want to share with you today is about a man named Taylor. Taylor lives in Montana and actually has been taught my sister missionaries on Temple Square for a long time.

Well, right before Sister Brickley and I became companions she started teaching him again. Well, in the last 8 weeks he has gone from a really depressed and anxious person to a happy and excited about life and the gospel person! And because of how the gospel can really change us from the inside out he has been changed. He has set a date to be baptized on the 28th of April but when we called he told us that he didn't go through with his interview and that he was going to get baptized the next week.

Well, we called him two Friday's ago and he said that he was actually going to start over with the missionaries. We were so confused and didn't know what had happened. So, we just felt that we would exercise our faith and trust that the Elders knew what to do and we prayed really hard. Well, we called him on the next day to see how it went with the missionaries and come to find out he told us that he had is Baptismal Interview! We could not believe our ears! He also said that he would get baptized on May 5 at 3pm!

Well, low and behold he did get baptized and was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on May 6th! This gospel is so true and I feel so blessed to have been apart of Taylor's life and see him completely change into the person he is now. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of His children and that He cares for our individual needs. He will never ever give up on us and so we should never give up on His children or Him. I hope you all have a great week and that you keep smiling because even though the world can be sad and depressing there is so much good all around if we just take a look around!

Love always,

Sister Armstrong

On a side note, Sister Armstrong wrote:

Something that I didn't mention is that tomorrow is the end of week two of this transfer and there have already been 13 baptisms in our Zone!!! How incredible is that?! 13 baptisms in two weeks! The Lord is really pouring out His blessings on us. I know that as we are obedient and faithful and continue to do His work, His way and with much diligence that we will see so many more blessings! I think of this scripture:

D&C 18: 10 Remember the aworth of bsouls is great in the sight of God;

 11 For, behold, the Lord your aRedeemer suffered bdeath in the flesh; wherefore he csuffered the dpain of all men, that all men might repent and ecome unto him.

 12 And he hath arisen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of brepentance.

 13 And how great is his ajoy in the bsoul that crepenteth!

 14 Wherefore, you are called to acry repentance unto this people.

 15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one asoul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the akingdom of my Father, how great will be your bjoy if you should bring many csouls unto me!
 17 Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my asalvation.

It is so true! The joy that I feel when someone that we have had the opportunity to teach and to come to know and love makes a covenant with their Father in Heaven and the has the opportunity for eternal life, can not be described! So, just imagine the joy of 13! I know that more and more people are starting to find the Gospel and it is just a matter of time before the whole world knows!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

~Pictures of Sister Elizabeth Armstrong~

Sister Armstrong and her companion at our day after Conference weekend mission gathering. They  got to watch a movie and eat a catered dinner.

Wearing skirt Aunt Sylvia Johnson made her :)

All of the referral cards that me and my companion received during conference! 
They were so tired that night!

Sister Brickley and Sister Armstrong at the top of Ensign Peak

Sister Reynders and Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong and her companion and other sisters in her district at a baptism for Miguel.

~May 1, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!!

How are you all doing this week? Well, everything here on Temple Square is amazing of course! I wanted to share with you a miracle that happened on  Saturday, so a few days ago. That is the day that our zone is assigned to have our companionship study on Temple Square because it is getting busier and busier and they need more sisters available to take people around earlier in the morning.

So, we received a text message in the middle of companion study telling us that there are people who would like someone to take them around. So, we went right away and met Sasha, her daughter (who is 15 months old) and her mom, Carmen. They are from Kentucky and they have been traveling from state to state.

Well, they were so nice and friendly and ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, we took them around and showed them different things but we mainly focused on how the Gospel will bless their family. So, of course we ended up taking them to the Christus and God's Plan. Well, when we got to the Christus Carmen started crying and no one knew why.

I firmly believe it was because she felt the Spirit. Well, we then took them to God's Plan and by the end we were all crying and we invited them to meet with missionaries and they told us that they would love too except they don't have a home right now.  That is why they were traveling to find a place to live.

Well, we offered to call them until they can find a place and we could send missionaries and they accepted. I know that our Father in Heaven puts people in our path for a reason and if we are willing to do what He asks even if we have to sacrifice that He will bless us to help others find the truth! I love this work and I love you all! Keep smiling and remember God loves you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

On a Side Note (Sister Armstrong wrote):  There is a DECA competition going on here in SLC and so there are about 15,000 high school kids here to compete and so we have been meeting so many of them and teaching them on the square! Yesterday we were on our way to the phones cause we had been on the square for like 4 hours when we were stopped by these 4 kids who asked us if there is a place to get a tour because they had been reading about this book but they didn't know what it was or who wrote it. . We told them that we would love to show then around and so we took them to this place that we call scriptures and revelation that has all of these displays about Bible prophets and then Joseph Smith and then the Book of Mormon. So, we taught the entire restoration and they were just all enthralled in what we were telling them; and they were only 16 and 17 years old! So amazing! We spent maybe 40 minutes with them and they were just so interested in learning about the church and what we believe and I can honestly say that those kids will go home and look up more information. We didn't have any of our guest cards to give them because we had been taking tours all day and had run out but at the same time they were under age so that is a little iffy anyway. But we told them about and they were all excited to go on there and learn more.