Tuesday, May 1, 2012

~May 1, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!!

How are you all doing this week? Well, everything here on Temple Square is amazing of course! I wanted to share with you a miracle that happened on  Saturday, so a few days ago. That is the day that our zone is assigned to have our companionship study on Temple Square because it is getting busier and busier and they need more sisters available to take people around earlier in the morning.

So, we received a text message in the middle of companion study telling us that there are people who would like someone to take them around. So, we went right away and met Sasha, her daughter (who is 15 months old) and her mom, Carmen. They are from Kentucky and they have been traveling from state to state.

Well, they were so nice and friendly and ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, we took them around and showed them different things but we mainly focused on how the Gospel will bless their family. So, of course we ended up taking them to the Christus and God's Plan. Well, when we got to the Christus Carmen started crying and no one knew why.

I firmly believe it was because she felt the Spirit. Well, we then took them to God's Plan and by the end we were all crying and we invited them to meet with missionaries and they told us that they would love too except they don't have a home right now.  That is why they were traveling to find a place to live.

Well, we offered to call them until they can find a place and we could send missionaries and they accepted. I know that our Father in Heaven puts people in our path for a reason and if we are willing to do what He asks even if we have to sacrifice that He will bless us to help others find the truth! I love this work and I love you all! Keep smiling and remember God loves you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

On a Side Note (Sister Armstrong wrote):  There is a DECA competition going on here in SLC and so there are about 15,000 high school kids here to compete and so we have been meeting so many of them and teaching them on the square! Yesterday we were on our way to the phones cause we had been on the square for like 4 hours when we were stopped by these 4 kids who asked us if there is a place to get a tour because they had been reading about this book but they didn't know what it was or who wrote it. . We told them that we would love to show then around and so we took them to this place that we call scriptures and revelation that has all of these displays about Bible prophets and then Joseph Smith and then the Book of Mormon. So, we taught the entire restoration and they were just all enthralled in what we were telling them; and they were only 16 and 17 years old! So amazing! We spent maybe 40 minutes with them and they were just so interested in learning about the church and what we believe and I can honestly say that those kids will go home and look up more information. We didn't have any of our guest cards to give them because we had been taking tours all day and had run out but at the same time they were under age so that is a little iffy anyway. But we told them about mormon.org and they were all excited to go on there and learn more.

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