Monday, May 21, 2012

~May 21, 2012~

Hello Everyone,

How are you all doing this week? I hope that you have had a great week! Well, I want to share a miracle or two with you. Sister Brickley and I feel so blessed to have had so many miracles this week so I don't even know which one to share. We had at least one everyday!

Well, something great that happened was that our investigator Marcie and her daughter Echo were baptized and confirmed!!! They are amazing and are so happy to be members of the true church of Christ. She even sent us a picture and she is so beautiful! She is so happy to have found the gospel.

Also, yesterday morning we were going to take one person who only spoke English out of huge group that spoke Mandarin and we actually ended up with 20 English speakers! Well, so we just went with it and took them around for about 35 min. In the end we showed them a Mormon message video (what matters most) and then we invited them to learn more and half of them said YES!!! Holy miracle! We could not believe it!

We had to adjust and go with what we were not expecting and the Lord blessed us with a miracle. I love this work and have never been happier. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and privilege to teach about the Savior each and everyday! Well, have a great week and keep smiling because the Lord loves you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Announcing on Mother's Day

Sister Armstrong and Companion at Red Robin (for birthday root beer shake)

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