Monday, May 14, 2012

~May 14, 2012~


How are you all doing this week? I don't have much time at all but I wanted to share with you a little miracle that happened to me this week. Well, of course you all know that it was Mother's Day this week. Well, in our mission we get to call home for about 5 min before Mother's Day to set up an appt.

Well I just felt like I should call on Tuesday at around 4 pm my time. Well, turns out that it was only a ten minutes after my little brother was born!!! I was so excited to be a part of that day! I know that Heavenly Father is real and so is the Spirit. He know that I wanted to be apart of that day even though I was going to be here and so I received the prompting to call at exactly the right time!

This is just one miracle that I witnessed this week but I will have to tell you later because we have to leave soon. I love you all and hope you know that God loves you and is watching out for you! Oh and we just got a picture in the mail today of our investigator Taylor who got baptized last week! So awesome! Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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