Monday, December 31, 2012

~December 31, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Holiday! This is going to be a short one but there are of course some great miracles. Our investigator Jennifer has now come to church three times and absolutely wants to get baptized. I won't get to see her baptized but I have been blessed enough to see her have a mighty change of heart.

She loves the church so much and the last lesson we had she was showing us all the Temples she had found on the computer and which ones were her favorite. I will send pictures soon! The miracle is that she, Jennifer, is holding on to the gospel even though her family is not supportive. I know that she was ready the day that we knocked on her door and I feel blessed to have been a part of her change. I will head back to Temple Square on Wednesday!  I love you all and hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, December 24, 2012

~December 24, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Merry Christmas Eve!!! I hope that you are all having a great Holiday season! The Holidays are great here in Texas! I have never had more sweets to eat in all my life! Good thing we exercise and that we have Elders! Okay well this week we had an amazing miracle! We had a mission conference for Christmas on Thursday and on our way back we received a phone call from our Bishop telling us that he just got off the phone with a lady who called the church and telling them that she wanted to learn about the church and so they gave her the Bishop's number and then he called us! Then later that night we got a call from another member who said that he met a man that needs God in his life and then handed him the phone and so I chatted with him and got his details and set up a time to meet with him! I was so excited that people were just popping up out of no where. Unfortunately we couldn't meet with them yet but I am sure we can and will after the Holidays!

Well, have a great Christmas and don't forget why we really celebrate this time of year! The Savior of the world was born and because He was we can all make it back to live with God again!

Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you next week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, December 17, 2012

~December 17, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all have had a great week! Not too many things have happened this week but I do have a miracle to share; of course. So, we had the ward Christmas party this last Saturday and so we went out to invite all of our investigators and less actives that we are teaching. We invited so many people! So, we are helping the ward get things together and set up and the people we invited start walking in and they keep walking in for like an hour! Almost everyone we invited came! Even people who have never come to church showed up! It was awesome! They all had a good time and I am pretty sure that was the most full Christmas party this ward has seen in years! It was a major blessing and miracle to see the fruits of our labor! I know that when we work hard and show forth our faith we will see miracles happen. Of course they will not happen all at once, but they will happen in God's own time. Have a great week and enjoy the Christmas season!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

PS Check out

Monday, December 3, 2012

~December 3, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How was your week? Full of miracles I presume :) Well, this week has been pretty full of miracles as well! Our investigator Michael has had some amazing transformations! So, he went to church last week for the first time-which I think I told you- well we had a lesson with him the Tuesday after and he said that church was a life changing experience for him. He then looked me in the eye and said "I now have no doubts that everything that you have told me is true."  I definitely had tears in my eyes! He then said that he was getting rid of his cigarettes and coffee and tattoo magazines. Mind you this man is 69 years old. Then we made a trip to the temple and had a lesson there and he was blown away by the feelings he had there and the knowledge that he and his wife that passed away 5 years ago can be married forever. Well, when we got to the temple we found that he had taken out his earings and trimmed his beard!! Holy cow! Then he told that he had done what he said and flushed the cigarettes and coffee down the toilet! Then we saw him at church yesterday and he showed up in a white shirt and tie and are you ready for this...
HE PAID HIS TITHING! He is not even baptized yet but he is so ready as soon as we can teach him everything! I know that I came to Texas for Michael I know that he was someone that I was meant to find and teach! He told us that he has been completely changed and he never thought this would happen. The faith that he has followed for 50 years, they do this thing where they study other religions and so he thought that is what this would be that he would just hear what we had to say and then move on with his life but then we told him to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and no one has ever said anything like that to him before and so he did and he got a very profound answer.
I know with all my heart that this is truly Jesus Christs'church. I know that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet to restore this church to the earth again. I know that families can be together forever and I know that my Savior lives and loves me as He does all of you! Hope you all have a great week and keep smiling.
Also I forgot to tell you that 9 of the less actives that we are working with came to church yesterday!!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Love you all!!!
Sister Armstrong
PS check out the new

Sunday, December 2, 2012

~Christmas Package~

We sent Sis. Armstrong a Christmas "envelope" with two countdown crafts (a tree with devotionals and ornaments and a gum count down), lots of family pictures and other goodies. We can't wait for her to get her Christmas gifts this year! :)

~Visit with Sis. Palmer~

Mike and I, Shamberly and Brandon had the opportunity to go to dinner with dear friends, the Hasemann's (John and Kahli, Kellan and Kenna) who live a mile away from us tonight. Sis. Armstrong babysat Kellan since he was a baby (now age 7).

Kahli and John had invited the sister missionaries and Sis. Palmer had served in the MTC with Sis. Armstrong and Temple Square. This dear, sweet young sister is from Utah and her companion is from Tonga.

We had delicious spaghetti, garlic bread, ceasar salad and homemade peanut butter pie. Sis. Palmer returns to Temple Square just like Sis. Armstrong in January and they both return home the end of March!

Here are some pictures that we sent Sis. Armstrong today :-)