Monday, December 17, 2012

~December 17, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all have had a great week! Not too many things have happened this week but I do have a miracle to share; of course. So, we had the ward Christmas party this last Saturday and so we went out to invite all of our investigators and less actives that we are teaching. We invited so many people! So, we are helping the ward get things together and set up and the people we invited start walking in and they keep walking in for like an hour! Almost everyone we invited came! Even people who have never come to church showed up! It was awesome! They all had a good time and I am pretty sure that was the most full Christmas party this ward has seen in years! It was a major blessing and miracle to see the fruits of our labor! I know that when we work hard and show forth our faith we will see miracles happen. Of course they will not happen all at once, but they will happen in God's own time. Have a great week and enjoy the Christmas season!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

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