Monday, December 31, 2012

~December 31, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Holiday! This is going to be a short one but there are of course some great miracles. Our investigator Jennifer has now come to church three times and absolutely wants to get baptized. I won't get to see her baptized but I have been blessed enough to see her have a mighty change of heart.

She loves the church so much and the last lesson we had she was showing us all the Temples she had found on the computer and which ones were her favorite. I will send pictures soon! The miracle is that she, Jennifer, is holding on to the gospel even though her family is not supportive. I know that she was ready the day that we knocked on her door and I feel blessed to have been a part of her change. I will head back to Temple Square on Wednesday!  I love you all and hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, December 24, 2012

~December 24, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Merry Christmas Eve!!! I hope that you are all having a great Holiday season! The Holidays are great here in Texas! I have never had more sweets to eat in all my life! Good thing we exercise and that we have Elders! Okay well this week we had an amazing miracle! We had a mission conference for Christmas on Thursday and on our way back we received a phone call from our Bishop telling us that he just got off the phone with a lady who called the church and telling them that she wanted to learn about the church and so they gave her the Bishop's number and then he called us! Then later that night we got a call from another member who said that he met a man that needs God in his life and then handed him the phone and so I chatted with him and got his details and set up a time to meet with him! I was so excited that people were just popping up out of no where. Unfortunately we couldn't meet with them yet but I am sure we can and will after the Holidays!

Well, have a great Christmas and don't forget why we really celebrate this time of year! The Savior of the world was born and because He was we can all make it back to live with God again!

Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you next week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, December 17, 2012

~December 17, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all have had a great week! Not too many things have happened this week but I do have a miracle to share; of course. So, we had the ward Christmas party this last Saturday and so we went out to invite all of our investigators and less actives that we are teaching. We invited so many people! So, we are helping the ward get things together and set up and the people we invited start walking in and they keep walking in for like an hour! Almost everyone we invited came! Even people who have never come to church showed up! It was awesome! They all had a good time and I am pretty sure that was the most full Christmas party this ward has seen in years! It was a major blessing and miracle to see the fruits of our labor! I know that when we work hard and show forth our faith we will see miracles happen. Of course they will not happen all at once, but they will happen in God's own time. Have a great week and enjoy the Christmas season!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

PS Check out

Monday, December 3, 2012

~December 3, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How was your week? Full of miracles I presume :) Well, this week has been pretty full of miracles as well! Our investigator Michael has had some amazing transformations! So, he went to church last week for the first time-which I think I told you- well we had a lesson with him the Tuesday after and he said that church was a life changing experience for him. He then looked me in the eye and said "I now have no doubts that everything that you have told me is true."  I definitely had tears in my eyes! He then said that he was getting rid of his cigarettes and coffee and tattoo magazines. Mind you this man is 69 years old. Then we made a trip to the temple and had a lesson there and he was blown away by the feelings he had there and the knowledge that he and his wife that passed away 5 years ago can be married forever. Well, when we got to the temple we found that he had taken out his earings and trimmed his beard!! Holy cow! Then he told that he had done what he said and flushed the cigarettes and coffee down the toilet! Then we saw him at church yesterday and he showed up in a white shirt and tie and are you ready for this...
HE PAID HIS TITHING! He is not even baptized yet but he is so ready as soon as we can teach him everything! I know that I came to Texas for Michael I know that he was someone that I was meant to find and teach! He told us that he has been completely changed and he never thought this would happen. The faith that he has followed for 50 years, they do this thing where they study other religions and so he thought that is what this would be that he would just hear what we had to say and then move on with his life but then we told him to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and no one has ever said anything like that to him before and so he did and he got a very profound answer.
I know with all my heart that this is truly Jesus Christs'church. I know that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet to restore this church to the earth again. I know that families can be together forever and I know that my Savior lives and loves me as He does all of you! Hope you all have a great week and keep smiling.
Also I forgot to tell you that 9 of the less actives that we are working with came to church yesterday!!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Love you all!!!
Sister Armstrong
PS check out the new

Sunday, December 2, 2012

~Christmas Package~

We sent Sis. Armstrong a Christmas "envelope" with two countdown crafts (a tree with devotionals and ornaments and a gum count down), lots of family pictures and other goodies. We can't wait for her to get her Christmas gifts this year! :)

~Visit with Sis. Palmer~

Mike and I, Shamberly and Brandon had the opportunity to go to dinner with dear friends, the Hasemann's (John and Kahli, Kellan and Kenna) who live a mile away from us tonight. Sis. Armstrong babysat Kellan since he was a baby (now age 7).

Kahli and John had invited the sister missionaries and Sis. Palmer had served in the MTC with Sis. Armstrong and Temple Square. This dear, sweet young sister is from Utah and her companion is from Tonga.

We had delicious spaghetti, garlic bread, ceasar salad and homemade peanut butter pie. Sis. Palmer returns to Temple Square just like Sis. Armstrong in January and they both return home the end of March!

Here are some pictures that we sent Sis. Armstrong today :-)


Monday, November 26, 2012

~November 26, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope your week has been fantastic! I have some serious miracles to share with you! So, an update on Annel and Magda-the two that are getting baptized on Dec 29th- Well, they are living in not so good situations and need to get out. The other day we taught the law of Chastity and Magda took it very well and Annel was pondering things.

We weren't sure what she was thinking or if she was going to commit to living the law. Then the next day I got a text from her saying she wants with all her heart to be baptized on Dec 29th and so I am going to find a new place to live so I can keep the law of chastity!!!! What an amazing miracle! I thought that  had found who I came to find but I think it was these two that I was meant to find, teach and baptize before going back to Temple Square. I mean they are getting baptized 4 days before I go back!
The second miracle is that our awesome investigator Michael came to church this week for the first time! Now, Michael is 72 has earrings, a beard, and tattoos everywhere and has been a studier of all religions for 50 years. But, after church yesterday he told a member that the more he learns the more he feels good and is realizing that he is going to have to do something about it! I about died when I heard that! I would be so happy if Michael got baptized! I think he was another that I was meant to find! Well, that is all for this week. Keep Smiling and know that no matter how hard things get the Lord is always with you! Moroni 7:33.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, November 19, 2012

~November 19, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a great week!! This week was full of miracles! I can't even believe it but there are a few...okay one day that I want to tell you abut. This last Friday we had many teaching apt and on Thursday they almost all cancelled on us and we couldn't understand why. So, we went to the one that didn't cancel and we have been teaching this man for about a month. But he is the type of man that has studied almost every religion you can think of and really thinks so logically about everything. Well, when we got there he shared with us that he has do doubt that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. He has been praying to know if the things we share are true and the answer he keeps getting is watch and see (keep learning). We were all in shock because the last time we were there he would not tell us any of those things and we were not sure what to do.

Then after that we got a call from a less active that was only baptized two years ago that we have tried to visit but she wasn't interested. When she called she said she would like us to come over.

When we got there (which worked out because our apt cancelled) she said that something told her to call us and that she is missing something in her life. She is so ready to come back! Then we got treated to this place called incredible pizza but our favorite member couple!! They crack us up! Then we got a call from an investigator we have only taught once and asked if we could come teach her more and since, again, our apt  cancelled we could go. So, we get there and she has her friend/ next door neighbor there who she has told everything that we shared with and her friend is ready and wants to learn. So we teach them both and they both committed to be baptized on the same day and then they both came to church on Sunday!!!!! When that lesson was over and my companions and I got in the car we all screamed with joy because we knew that the Lord had been in charge of that day and we say His hand in everything that happened! I LOVE being a missionary!

Hope you all have a great week and don't forget to see how the Lord's hand is in everything!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

~November 12, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

Well, I hope you all had a great week! The miracle that I want to share with you this week is...okay it is two miracles. So, first our investigator Linda is supposed to be getting baptized on Nov 19th but Satan has been really working hard on her! But, we decided as a companionship to fast for her yesterday. We thought that all was lost because she didn't come to church and she would not answer the phone or the door and it was very sad. Then today we got a text asking for us to call and talk with her. She felt really bad for all the things that she has been doing/going through and still wants to be baptized!!!
But, what did happen while we were fasting is that there is a girl that has come to church two weeks in a row and her boyfriend is being taught by the Elders and she was sitting in Relief Society with one of my companions and asks for a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked if we could teach her because she has noticed a difference in her boyfriend and wants good people in her life. The Elders haven't taught her because of schedule and stuff but she told us she feels more comfortable with girls. So, we have a new investigator!
I know that these miracles happened because we showed the Lord our faith by fasting and then we went and did all that we could do. I love this scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 25: 23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

Hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, November 5, 2012

~November 5, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How was your week? Hope it was great! Well, our awesome miracle investigator Jennifer came to church yesterday!!!! She only stayed for one hour but that is good enough! That was a big step for her! So, this week has been full of miracles! One of them being that we found a lady who hasn't been to church in a while and her son who has never been baptized ( he is 12) and they are awesome. I just know I was meant to be here in Texas to find them. So, this is what happened. We had a dinner appointment with a family and when we got there no one was there and so we decided to go and see if we could find these two.

Well, they lived a little farther then we thought but when we got there we found out that they had just arrived home and had a couple from the church over and told them they wanted to missionaries to come because Keegan, the son, would like to learn and be baptized and Holly, the mom, would like to come back to church. We did not know that they wanted us to come over we just felt prompted to go. We had a great lesson on prayer and Keegan prayed for the first time!!
I know that Heavenly Father is so aware of His children and will never leave then alone. Hope all is well. Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Monday, October 29, 2012

~October 29, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope that everything is going well. I have an amazing miracle to share with you all! So, last Tuesday all of our appointments fell through and so we knocked doors all day. We of course knocked in areas with former investigators or less actives.

But, it was a long intense day. But, we were knocking the last door of this apartment complex and a lady answered the door and we made some small talk and what not. But, mind you have been working on my door approach because you know I don't have the Temple behind me anymore.

So, then I said to her, " Well, we are missionaries and we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ and how through Him we can be untied with our families for all eternity." As soon as a finished she said, "Would you like to come in?" I could not even respond I was so shocked!

We talked her the Plan of Salvation and left the pamphlet with her and we have taught her twice and will teach her again tomorrow. She is progressing and is excited to come to church this week. I could not believe it and still can't. She has two daughters and now wants us to teach them. I really love sharing the gospel in so many different ways. I love how God knows me so well and knew that the Temple Square mission would be the perfect place for me to share the gospel so that I could also come to Texas at the most perfect time. Everything happens for a reason. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong


Monday, October 22, 2012

~October 22, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

Hope all of you have a had a great week! Things are going well here in Texas! I love my companions and all the people we meet! The miracle that I want to share with you is one of knocking doors :)
So, this last week we were knocking doors and it was at an apt complex and a lady answered the door and we talked a little with her and explained who we were and then I wanted to try something that I had never tried before and so I told her that we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ and how the church that He created when He was on the earth has been brought back again. I then paused and she looked at me and said "where is it?" So, I told her that we would love to share that with her and she said she would love for us to come back and so we set up an appt and then she asked if we could say a prayer with her before we left and we did and then she said you know it is good to have people pray for you especially when you are looking for that path in life!
I could not believe that happened and so we are so excited to see her tomorrow! Pray that she is there and it goes well. Know that God loves you all and is waiting for you to turn to him to receive all the blessings that he has for you. Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstorng

Monday, October 15, 2012

~October 15, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!!

How are you all doing? Well, I am in TEXAS!!!! This is a very interesting place. Because San Antonio is not what I think of when I think of Texas. But, it is a great place that needs lots of tender loving care! We have so much work to do here it is not even funny. I am in a trio which means I have two other companions and they are great! I never thought a trio could work out so well but it has! So, there are many miracles that I could share with you but I think I want to share one about a family that is not so active in the church. So, we went to see the mom (who is single parent) and there was a lot of commotion going on in the house and what not but then things became really calm and the Spirit was there. We were talking about how sometimes we just have so many trials happening in our lives and it seems as though it happens the worst when we are trying to do what is right.
We shared with her 2 Nephi 2:11:

For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

Life has its challenges but we have to know the bad to know the good and vice versa. We have to have both sides to be able to make a choice.

Well, something that this lady was worried about was that her eldest son would never listen to what we have to say or come back to church.

Then...the miracle...he walked into the house and someone we convinced him to stay and he did and we taught him and he agreed to let us come back and teach him again! Is that a miracle or what?! I could not believe what was happening! And you would have thought that he wasn't being sincere but he truly was he told us that he has been really pondering lately if there really is a God. And he shared about how he used to go to church and he felt good there. It was amazing. There is a lot of work to be done but I know that it can be done with diligence and obedience to the Lord's commandments. Hope you all have a great week and I will type at you next week!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

My Address for letters(only):
1441 Contour Dr. #933
San Antonio, TX 78212

Packages should be sent to:
Texas San Antonio Mission
404 E Ramsey Rd. Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78216-4665

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~Arrival in Texas San Antonio Mission~

Dear Missionary Families,

We are happy to inform you that your son or daughter has safely arrived in the Texas San Antonio Mission!  President Jones and I and our assistants greeted them at the airport at about 2:45 this afternoon. The plane from Salt Lake City was delayed, so we were anxiously awaiting their arrival.  They arrived with smiles on their faces, happy to be here.  What a great group of missionaries!

After collecting their luggage, we made our way back to the mission home where we had lunch, individual interviews with President Jones and some orientation. Then they were off to the Alamo where they learned a little history and had the opportunity to talk to people and give away copies of the Book of Mormon. They did a great job with their first true missionary experience in Texas! We welcomed them back to the mission home where we had dinner and enjoyed spending the evening getting to know one another. The Elders then left for the assistants apartment and the sisters stayed at the mission home their first night in the mission field.

Tomorrow morning we will have an orientation and transfer meeting where your sons and daughters will meet their new companions and head out to their first areas. You should expect an email from them on Monday which is their preparation day. We are so happy and excited to have the opportunity to serve with these fine young men and women. Thank you for sending such well prepared and wonderful missionaries!


President and Sister Jones

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

~October 9, 2012~

Sister Elizabeth Armstrong's new mission address for three months:

Texas San Antonio Mission
404 E Ramsey Rd. Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78216-4665

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week?! Well, I have some crazy news for all of you! So, here on Temple Square almost every sister will get the opportunity to go to another State and spend about 3 months in a different proselyting area. Well, I have been transferred to San Antonio, Texas for 3 months!!
I am a little nervous but I think that it will be great. So, if you send a letter to Temple Square they will forward it to me while I am gone but I will post my new address as soon as I get it.
So, now for the miracles! Well, of course this week was General Conference!!! Where we listen to the modern day living Prophet and Apostles and other leaders of the church speak to us! Now, last conference we received many member referrals and it was crazy busy and what not. Well, this time we had a new focus for conference.

Our focus was to find those referrals that are truly prepared to receive the restored gospel and as a mission we set a goal to have 415 people enter the waters of baptism by the time the next conference comes! So, as a mission we received 2901 member referrals but the best part was is that we were challenged to uplift the members that came and invite them to come closer to Jesus Christ and in total we invited 8300 members and helped them feel the love of God! That is incredible!

We met so many great people and really worked hard to do and say what Christ would. It was an exhausted 3 days but we made it and I feel so much better about how we did our work this conference because we did what Christ would do.
Well, I hope that you are all doing well and that you are seeing many miracles in your lives. I love you all and will share all about Texas next week!!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

~October 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How was your week? I hope it was a good one because life is good, especially when it is sunny out! Well, a miracle this week just happened yesterday! A man named George called in and was telling me how he was baptized three years ago but because of his family, who are strong Catholics, he eventually left the church. He told me how they stopped talking to him and that it was really hard. Well, the amazing thing was that out of all the people here I was the one who got to talk with him and we had very similar stories and so he really wants to come back to church. He wants to have happiness in his life again.

He recognized that he was happiest with the gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. So, we get to call him and teach him more and help him get back to church. Then do you remember Nick?! The miracle that came to the square and was ready to meet with missionaries right away?! Well, We have not been able to reach him for two weeks and we were so worried that we would not be able to talk with him again!
Well, I felt like I should try and call again two days ago and he answered the phone!!! He was in Canada for work and his phone stopped working there! So, he is actually working for the Mitt Romney campaign and so once elections are over he is going to have more time to devote to church and what not. But, the miracle is that he is still alive, he is still reading the Book of Mormon and he still wants to learn more!

Well, I hope you all have a great week and that you will keep smiling!


Sister Armstrong

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

~September 25, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? I hope this week has treated you well! I have a miracle that I want to share with you about Fred! So, Fred is our investigator who is Jewish but then turned Christian and now claims to be Catholic but feels something special about the LDS church. He is quite the hoot! So, when we taught him this week we talked about a lot of things that he was concerned about and at the end he just made a side comment says, "Well who knows maybe I will be baptized before I finish the Book of Mormon"! And then he made another one that went like this,"Well, maybe when I get baptized and am a member of the church..." Holy Cow!
We kept feeling like it was not time to give him a date for baptism and then this last week we found out why! He told us that he feels that we have really invited him to come closer to Jesus Christ and that we don't just want him to get baptized. Which is true we really want him to come closer to Jesus Christ. I know that baptism is and essential step to eternal life but that is not why I am on mission. I am here to invite others to come unto Christ and if they choose to get baptized because of that then I have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Fred also went to church and found the missionaries! Of course there was traffic and so he didn't actually get to stay for church but he is bound and determined to do it this Sunday!

I wanted to share with you all the challenge that my mission president gave to us this week! It is that we will read 6 pages of the Book of Mormon everyday and mark different things in it. Well, I want to extend the invitation for you to read 6 pages of the Book of Mormon everyday and mark all the references to the God head in it! I know that as you do this that you will see just how amazing and true the Book of Mormon is and just how much it compliments the Bible. The Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and the only way that you can know this for yourself is if you read, ponder and pray.

I hope you all have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

~September 18, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, I don't have much time this week but I do have  a miracle to share with you! So, we have this great investigator named Fred who lives in New York! Now he was raised Jewish and has now gone Catholic; yes he is an interesting character, but we still love him!
So, anyway he has been telling us that he is not going to go to church until the missionaries contact him and what not. Well, the missionaries did not contact him but then he told us that he was going to go to church anyway! We asked him what changed his mind and he said that he was just too darn curious! He is so funny!
So, we are praying that he went and that he found the missionaries! I just know with all my heart that he is going to find his answers soon! I know that he will get baptized! I just feel it! When we were setting a return appt. with him between our two schedules we won't be able to call for a week and he said, "I don't know if I can go for a whole week without talking to you two!" I feels that something has come into his life that he can't let go!
Well, I hope that you are all doing well and have a great week! Here is a scripture that I really love:

Romans 8: 24-25 - 24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? 25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Sister(s) Armstrong and Shamanga (from Africa)

Sister Shamanga and Sister Armstrong
Music and the Spoken Word

On a personal note, Sister Armstrong wrote:

So, today for pday we are going to go to this Polynesian restaurant that feeds missionaries for free! I have never been but the sisters always talk about it. But, next week we are going to the home of someone in the mission presidency and we are going to go bowling and eat Chinese food. President Seppi, is his name, and he has offered to pay for everything! So, we have gotten some money together from our zone and are also going to Walmart this week to get things to make a date basket for him and his wife to thank them for paying for our zone activity! (that may or may not have been my idea! :))

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

~September 11, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Hopefully you have had a great week! Okay so first I have an update on Nick- the miracle from last week- for you! We taught him again and he was actually in the airport but he still read scriptures with us! He said he was going to church which was a few days ago and we call him tomorrow to find out!!! He is solid as a rock! When we shared with him about Christ visiting those in the ancient American continent he said that it just makes sense. And it does!!! I mean why would Christ only visit those who lived in Jerusalem when God loves all of His children no matter where they live or what race they are- 2 Nephi 26:33 " For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he ainviteth them ballto ccome unto him and partake of his goodness; and he ddeniethnone that come unto him, black and white, ebond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the fheathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. " We love Nick!!!

So, a miracle this week is that we found a new investigator on! He came on and was just so interested in learning more! He said that he had met with missionaries before but that he never took the step to get baptized! So, we have been calling him but we are kind of playing phone tag right now. I am sure that we will get to talk with him soon! He already left us a message saying that he started reading the Book of Mormon again! The church is true!!! Thank you all for being so great! I want to invite you to start reading the Book of Mormon if you have not already and really take your time to go through and know what it is that the Book of Mormon is telling you. I promise that as you do this you will see so clearly the gospel of Jesus Christ! Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong also wrote the following when we asked about her new leadership opportunity:

"Well, yes I am a Zone Leader which is way more responsibility then District Leader. This means that my companion and I work together as Zone Leader's because there is so much work to do. We have been given stewardship over 20 other sisters in the mission. We are one of the biggest zones! And this week our zone had 4 baptisms!!!! Awesome!!!! The goal that we have set is to have 15 people enter the waters of baptism this transfer and I know that we can do it! It is great to be able to serve the sisters in our zone and motivate them to do the Lord's work. The Lord is really stretching me this transfer and really molding me for something more... not sure what it is but I am really being tested. So, thank you for all the leadership skills that you both taught me and always encouraging me to take those leadership opportunities it has completely helped me in my missionary work."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Leadership Opportunity~Sister Elizabeth Armstrong (Zone Leader)

~September 4, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week?! I hope all is going well and life is treating you good. Well, I am dying to tell all you of the amazing miracles that have happened this week! First of all I have a new companion, her name is Sister Shamanga and she is from Zambia, Africa! That is miracle number one! I have been dying to have an African companion and now my prayers have been answered! She is awesome! She speaks a really cool Zambian language, but I am not sure what it is called. All I know is that Natasha means thank you! Okay miracle number 2: We have a new investigator named Nick!!! You won't believe how we found or should I say how he found us. So, we were leaving the North Visitor's Center (on T^2 of course) and this man is walking by and then he turned and looked at us and said " I think you two can help me." Then he proceeded to tell us that he has been to many churches and studied many religions and the more he studies the LDS faith the more it feels right to him and then he said, "What do I do now?" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I had to hold back my tears and excitement so I didn't scare him away! So, he had told us many times that he had not been to church yet and so finally I just asked him if he would like to go to church and he that he would love too. Then we taught him about the Holy Spirit and how that is what he is feeling right now. Then shared with him how to get a copy of the Book of Mormon because he travels a lot and so he may not be home if we mailed it to him. Then we got his info and set an appt. to call him the next day after church to see how it went. I mean how does that happen?! And I mean there is no other mission in the world that could teach someone who is always traveling and never home! Well, then we called him on Sunday and he told us about how he found out that his boss is a member of the church and they tried to go to church when their work schedule got changed on them. But, his boss took him to the YSA ward at BYU for break the fast. He LOVED it! He said that everyone was so nice and that he just could not believe it. Then we just happen to call right when he got back from break the fast and we taught him the entire restoration. He told us that it is definitely possible that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Then we invited him to be baptized once he came to know that all of this was true and he said that he looks forward to the day! So, then we invited him to be baptized on September 29th and he told us, "You know I have a lot to learn and I know it will take some time but I know that I can be ready on September 29th!!!!!!!!!!!! My companion and I were just in shock! In 24 hours he found us and then committed to be baptized in less then a month and bought himself the Book of Mormon! This is one of the biggest miracles that I have witnessed on my mission. There are many more wonderful things that have happened this week but this is the best one! Hope you all have a great week and never forget that God loves you and knows you and will always be there for you!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Thursday, August 23, 2012

~August 23, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

I hope that this week has treated you well! This has been another great week on Temple Square! I love being a missionary! Especially in the best mission in the world! Where our biggest problem is that there are so many people to teach that sometimes we don't even have time to eat! What greater blessing can you ask for?! Well, last Friday we were covering one of the desks here and we prayed that we would be able to find someone who had sincere questions and really wanted to learn. Well, low and behold in the mist of all the craziness this great man named Gary came up and just told us that he has never been to Utah before and that he is really wanting to know about what we believe. He particularly said that he is not sure why many claim that we are not a Christian church since he sees Christ everywhere in the visitor center. So, Sister Lee and I got to teach him all about the Book of Mormon and why it is so important. We committed him to go to and research some more and then request for his own copy of the Book of Mormon and he said that he would and that he is so excited to share this with his wife! How great is that?! 

On Saturday we were able to attend the baptism of a lady who we took on a tour here on Temple Square. The first miracle is that we invited her to meet with missionaries she said no and then we saw her again a few weeks later and she was getting ready for her baptism!!! The second miracle is that she is from Mainland China where missionaries do not exist. The third miracle is that my old room, roommate Katelyn Ray or Sister Ray is now serving in the Chinese ward in SLC even though she wasn't called Chinese speaking and I got to see her because she was at the baptism. How amazing is that to be able to be missionaries with the roommate that you were preparing for  a mission with?! To be able to teach the same lady and see her enter the waters of baptism together! I absolutely love this gospel and see God's hand and love in all of our lives everyday!

Those were just a few of our miracles that I wanted to share! I love you all and hope that you are doing well and keeping a smile on your face! 

Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Saturday, August 18, 2012

~August 16, 2012~

Hello Everyone! 

How are you all doing this week? I hope this has been a good week for you! I know that sometimes things can be hard but all in all if we keep holding on we will get through it. An Apostle once said "Things as they are now are not they always will be." Good advice, don't you think?!

Well, it has been another great week here on Temple Square! We have seen so many miracles and have taught so many people! I feel so blessed that our problem on Temple Square is that there are not enough Chinese sisters to teach all the Chinese people that are coming, even though it is calming down a little bit. So, this week we had zone conference and so they need help at the Beehive House (the home of Brigham Young, second prophet of the church) where we served last transfer. I told the zone leaders once we get there all the Chinese are going to come. Well, low and behold as we were walking up the hill to the Beehive House we see Chinese people walking in. We get there and realize that it is not just a few but 60! That is right 60 CHINESE PEOPLE! ALL AT ONCE! And of course they didn't have much time so we took them all through the house at once which I think is a new record for how many people have been taken through the house at once, ever before! 

Last night we took an emergency bus tour of Chinese people and at the end I felt really prompted to share my testimony with them about God and Jesus Christ and it just as though many of these people felt the Spirit for the first time. I feel so blessed to be able to teach them that there is something more in life. There is something more then what we can see right here. Something more that is watching over us and keeping us safe! I love that God trusts my companion and I enough to teach these wonderful people together. Well I love you all and hope you doing well. Keep going! God won't give up on you so don't give up on Him!

Have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Thursday, August 9, 2012

~Ottis from Africa's Baptism~

This is a picture of Ottis! Our investigator who got baptized in May! He finally sent us a picture of him on his baptism day! He is the one in the middle and he lives in Liberia, Africa!!! 

The second one is of him and all the others that he got baptized with that day! There are so many people that want to be baptized that they have to have baptism classes to be able to teach everyone! 

Love, Sister Armstrong

~August 9, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

I hope that you have all had a great week! This week has been another busy one on Temple Square! But Sister Lee and I are still trucking along, doing our best to save China! I have so many miracles that I want to share with you! I think that three stand out the most.

First, I don't know if I have talked about our investigator Austin before but he is someone that we have been teaching every once in a while. So, we teach him and it is the best lesson ever and then we call him for a while and then he stops answering the phone so then we keep texting and eventually he says we can call again. This is the cycle that we have been in with him for a while. Well, this is because he will tell his other church friends about us and what we are teaching and they tell him that it is a cult and that he should not be talking to us. So, he gets confused and frustrated. I just love him and his little family so much!

Well, we got a hold of him the other day and you won't believe it they are actually moving to Texas today!!!!!! Why is this a good thing you ask? Well, this is the perfect time for them to meet with missionaries and read the Book of Mormon without the influence of their friends. He promised me that he would meet with missionaries once they move to Texas! I am so excited and know that as we continually make an effort to never give up on anyone that God will provide a way!

Okay miracle #2: We took around 8 Chinese that were just studying in Seattle and were on vacation! Totally meant to be! At the end they all took a Book of Mormon and I was able to bear my testimony and invite them to read and pray. They accepted and we taught them how to pray right on the spot! They made sure they knew the steps of prayer and thanked us for everything. The Spirit was so strong and I knew that God was preparing them. I know with all my heart that this gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I would give anything for all of China to know it and to know God and Jesus Christ.

Miracle #3: Since there are no missionaries in China we cannot call them and teach them over the phone. But, just yesterday we met a Chinese woman that was studying in America and wants to learn more. At first she wasn't sure about meeting with missionaries and so we talked a little more and she told me she grew up in the States and that she was Catholic and I told her that I was too! She instantly let her wall down and she agreed to let us teach her more over the phone! I know that I was meant to meet her! She said she wants and needs to get back in touch with God. She was so sweet and we are so excited to start teaching her!

Brother and Sisters I promise you that no matter what you are going through in your life at this time that God is aware of you. He knows exactly what is going on and Christ knows exactly how you feel. How great is it to know that the two greatest beings know you and care about you. Have faith and trust that everything will work out! Love you all! Keep smiling!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong- Currently from China! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

~August 2, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, I am happy to report that China has not killed me yet! We have only taken Chinese lessons this week! Maybe two English. But I love all the Chinese so much! They are such precious people and they really are just hungering and thirsting for God and Jesus Christ. The sad thing is there are no missionaries in China and so we must do all we can to teach them when they are here.

I had an experience with a group of about 40 or so and I was sharing with them my testimony of God and Jesus Christ and my companion was translating for me. There was a man who could just not wait for us to go and get the Book of Mormon. Well, my companion told me after the tour that after sharing my testimony that he said that he believes me. Here is a man who has been told his whole life that God is not real who felt that what I just said was the truth! The great thing was that the Holy Spirit is the one who told him that I was just merely and instrument in the Lord's hands. Also, we had a group of 15 and as we took them around I just had an overwhelming love for them and again shared my testimony. At the end 7 of them requested to learn more and 8 of them took the Book of Mormon. One lady came up to me and said "it was an honor to hear your speech (testimony) I promise you that I will read this book and find out if it is true." I was in shock!

I love this work so much and there is not other place in the world that I could teach those in China when China is not even open for missionaries. Keep up the great work and never forget that in order for things to happen we must get to work! Have a great week!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong also wrote: "Say hi to everyone for me! I love you all! I will have to send pictures of the parade next week because we ran out of time today! We have to run to the post office before Walmart because we are sending a Book of Mormon in Amharic (native language of Ethiopia for an investigator in WA!!). Have a great day!"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

~Happy Pioneer Day!~

Sis. Lee and Sis. Armstrong (missionary companions)

Sis. Lee, Viviana (after she was baptized) and Sis. Armstrong

Ready to go to the Pioneer Day parade on Pioneer Day

~July 26, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Hope this has been a great week for you! Temple Square has been so crazy! I am convinced that all of China visited Temple Square this last week! Well, I am trying to think of which miracle to share with you. I feel blessed that we have had so many! But, I think that I really want to share with you about Joy. I met Joy yesterday and she called saying that her niece had passed away a few years ago and as she was going through her things a pass-a-long card from the church fell out. She feels that it is a sign from her niece.

I told her that it absolutely was! So, I told her about the Book of Mormon and what it is all about. She said that she would like one. Unfortunately right now she cannot meet with missionaries because she is basically on bed rest since her accident that she had.

So, Sister Lee and I will be teaching her over the phone until she gets well enough to have the missionaries over to her house. I shared with her that everything we have to teach her well with change her life for the better. Then she said something I will never forget she said, " I believe you. I feel that I have been missing something in my life and I have tried to fill that hole in my heart for years in many different ways. But, there is something telling me that you are telling me the truth." How amazing is that?!

She is so prepared for the Gospel and I just feel so blessed that Heavenly Father has entrusted me to take care of her and to help her find the truth. Well, I hope that you are all having a great week and that you will keep on smiling! I know that everything happens for a reason and that things as they are not will not forever be. Love you all!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Oh PS Viviana got baptized!! And she asked Sister Lee and I to speak at her baptism-We were so very honored!

Sis. Armstrong also wrote us (on the realities of the mission):

"Okay well,  this week has been the longest week of the mission! We have taken so many tours and taught so many people. Mostly in Mandarin. So, yes I am learning Mandarin and it is so fun to speak it and then all the Chinese people freak out! It is hysterical! A lot of them understand or speak English and so I get to talk to a lot of them. The greatest thing about the Chinese people is that they only want to know about the gospel. They have just recently been able to come and travel in the United States and they are actually taught in school that God is not real. The teachers actually tell them that! So, every time we take a tour with them all they want to know about is everything we have to teach. They could care less about the history. Of course we always share pioneer stories with them because they love those. But, I have this great love for the Chinese people! We give away so many Chinese Books of Mormon it is not even funny.

We just learned that the only place in Salt Lake City that even has Chinese Books of Mormon is Temple Square! They are like gold right now! This is our only way of doing missionary work in China since there are no missionaries in Mainland China! It breaks my heart when they ask if they can have missionaries come or they ask where the church is and we have to tell them that we don't know. Even though we know that the church is in Hong Kong we can't even say that. But, we always tell them to look it up online and there are apparently so many little branches that can only be known by word of mouth. Once China opens up for missionaries it will be exploding with baptisms! These people are just waiting for someone to tell them that God is there. Last night we took around a bus load of about 30 people and at the end I bore my testimony of God and Jesus Christ and at the end one man told me that he believes me and that he would like a Book of Mormon. It is just so amazing that God has placed these great people in a place where they can receive a piece of the restored gospel.

Also, this week was Pioneer day! So, our Mission President let us go to the parade! This parade was like something that I have never seen before! It was two hours long! It was so fun and when we got there and were looking for seats, there was this sweet lady and her husband who had stayed over night on the grass and then left the tarp there for others. As they saw the sisters coming they kept telling us to sit there! They were just the sweetest! So, I have taken many pictures of the parade but of course I forgot my camera so I will have to send the pictures of the parade next week! Pioneer day here is not a joke! It is very serious and almost everything was closed! It was very interesting.

What else I think that is about it we are just working super hard. I felt bad because we have been taking so many tours and after a Mandarin bus tour, that didn't go so well, my sweet little Chinese companion broke down in tears and I just held her. This mission is not a joke! So many people say that it is just a beauty pageant. We teach more people and are on our feet more then any other mission. I just feel bad that I worked her so hard. I mean I think I have always been a hard worker but I am working even harder here. I mean it is salvation that is on the line. But, after all the tears she got up and we took another tour- all by her saying lets do it. If there is one thing that I want to teach her it is that we are on the Lord's time and we must work as hard as we can to bring as many souls unto Christ as we possibly can."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

~July 19, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, this week has been a great week! I get to stay with my wonderful companion from Singapore! How lucky am I?! I really feel that God loves me! Okay, I mean I know He loves me but that may not be the reason I get to stay with Sister Lee. It is probably because I am still training her but who is keeping track.

Well, this week we have seen so many miracles a lot of our miracles have been Mandarin miracles but I want to share with you an English one! So, we got to take Sister Lee's first investigator lesson. Which is when the Elders will bring their investigators here and we prepare a lesson on Temple Square for them. They are my favorite! So, it was Sister Lee's first and who shows up but the Assistants of the SLC West mission and their Mission President and they are all coming with us! This would happen when it was her first lesson! But, it went great! Viviana is amazing! She is the one investigating the church and she is so prepared! She wants to follow God with all her heart and she is really studying and pondering and praying to know if this really is the Church that Christ established when He was on the earth restored again. Well, she has come to know that it is and we will be attending her baptism this Saturday!! We are so excited!

Well, I hope you all know how much God really loves you and is watching over you! Everything will work out in His time and in His way!  I love you all and hope you all have a great week!

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

~July 11, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing this week? Well, this is going to be a short one but I wanted to tell you the miracle that we had! BONNY GOT BAPTIZED!!!! I have been teaching her since the beginning of my mission and when I say beginning I mean since like week 2 of my mission. And finally on July 7th she was baptized and was confirmed on July 8th. It is a miracle that I am still having to let sink in. I am so happy for her and I just love her so much!

Also, since Bonny got baptized we kind of don't have any investigators. So, we have been working really hard to find new people to teach and have been saying many prayers. Well, answer number one: Kaysy, an old investigator that just stopped answering the phone, emailed us and said that she wants to start learning again so that she can get baptized.

Answer number two: we met a man from the Philippines who met missionaries a year ago and then they stopped coming because they got transferred and he wants to meet with missionaries again. He kept reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn as much as he can and so we will be teaching him this week!

I am so grateful for all the blessings that come everyday and I know that this work is the work of the Lord. These things don't just happen out of think air or for kicks and giggles. These things happen because God is real and His hand is in the lives of all of His children on the earth, which is everyone!

Hope your all doing well! Have a great week and keep smiling!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

~Pictures of Sister Elizabeth Armstrong~

Driving back from taking all the new sisters to Walmart.

Sis. Armstrong and her companion at the mission FHE.

Sis. Armstrong and Sister Brickley at the mission FHE.

Sis. Armstrong, her companion, current zone leader
and former zone leader at the mission FHE.

Sis. Armstrong and her companion on their first day together.

~July 4, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well this week has been a very crazy and busy week on Temple Square! They are not kidding when they say that the square is busy in the summer. So, this transfer I am serving in the Beehive House, the home of Brigham Young, and there are about 4 companionship's in the home at a time. Well, yesterday my companion and I, alone, took 147 people through the Beehive House!!! We were exhausted afterwards! I don't think I have slept that good in a while! :) Well, there is one miracle this week that I really want to share with you!

So, my investigator Bonny, who I have been teaching for 9 months, now has a baptismal date for this coming Saturday! We are so excited! Well, we were again at the Beehive House and two ladies from Singapore walked in and since my companion is from Singapore we ended up taking the tour even though it was not our turn. Well, some more people came in and I was asking where they were from and they said Manitoba, Canada. Well, that is where Bonny is from so I was telling them about her and how she is getting baptized. Then he said well I am a Bishop there and turns out he is Bonny's Bishop!! Of course I started crying! I just could not believe it!

We would not have met them if the ladies from Singapore had not come in at that moment. I firmly believe and know that God is real and He knows us personally! We have so many miracles this week as we try to find new people to teach. I love you all and hope that you have a great week!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong

Sis. Armstrong also shared this with us: "Today we are going to someplace as a mission to watch fireworks. So, we get to stay out after curfew. I wonder if we get to sleep in tomorrow...Probably not! :) Got to love being a missionary!

[and during a tour, she wrote]: ...In that same tour I ended up telling them that I am a convert and one man asked me if a dear friend introduced me to the church and I said "as a matter of fact yes that dear friend is my step mom." He thought that was just so great! I wanted to share that with you because when he asked me that I just felt that it was so true and really dear friend did introduce me to the Gospel."

Sunday, July 1, 2012

~June 27, 2012~

Hello Everyone!

How are you all doing? Well, it has beene a pretty great week here at Temple Square. We have had some pretty seriously hot weather but other than that, a great week. I am sure there is a miracle in here somewhere. But I really want to share a story:)

So, my companion and I and two other sisters took what we call a motorcoach, which is a bus load full of people, 30 or more, that we take around Temple Square for about 30 min. Well, they were a senior group of Lutherans and they had so many questions. We were able to clarify some things for them and really share our testimonies.

Well, at the end, like ten old ladies and one man came up and asked if I had a boyfriend and when I said "no" they all asked if they could set me up with their grandson!!!!! (I died laughing) It was the cutest thing ever! But, I was so happy that I was able to help them know that we believe in Christ and He is the center of our faith!!

I know that the miracle is that they were all touched by the peace at Temple Square. I love being a missionary here! I love that Heavenly Father knows us all perfectly!

Well, have a great week! Love you all!

Love Always,
Sister Armstrong

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

~June 20, 2012~

Hello Everyone!!

How are you all doing? Okay before I share with you a miracle I have to share with you the funniest experience I have had thus far on my mission. Okay so Sister Lee and I were at the desk waiting for people to come in the Beehive House and who walks in but a 25 yr old from Idaho and two Chinese people from Taiwan. Okay well the man from Taiwan was crazy! We were telling him about the records they kept there and he was a little shorter so he was jumping up and down in 157 yr old home and then when I was laughing at him he said, "Well my name is Jackie Chan!" and then I laughed even harder and he proceeded to pull out his ID to tell me that he was but I just couldn't even look at it because it was so funny! Got to love being a missionary! You meet the craziest people!

Well, then we were practicing/ role playing on the square since my companion is learning all about Temple Square and needed to pass of in order to take English tours (except for the fact that we are not tour guides we are walking lesson missionaries with great props). So, anyway some people came up and asked us to take them around and the Spirit was so strong! I absolutely loved meeting them they really had a great testimony of the church and were willing to share with their friends. Then we went over to the Beehive House and met the greatest family ever! They were the funnest people. We are only supposed to give 20 min tours of the Beehive and we were with them for an hour! They had so many questions and have lots of member friends and so they gave us there email address so that we can stay in contact with them! I am so excited to see what happens with them!

Well, I just wanted to share some of those things with you and share with you that I know this church is the true church on the earth. I have no doubt about any of it. I know that sometimes I have questions but that is when I get to go and study and research and find the answer. I hope you all know how great you are and to keep smiling everyday! Everything happens for a reason. 

Love you all!

Love Always,

Sister Armstrong- serving in the greatest mission in the world AKA Temple Square! :)